Saturday, January 9, 2010

Forgive me my stupid look, it's in the name of the stats

Has Astrantia turned engineer and this is her home made effort of a weapon, pieced together perhaps from some scattered about parts from Flame Leviathan with a light bulb attached on it for more glamour? Oh, it's the Argent Resolve (which I guess is some spare parts from Flame Leviathan with a light bulb attached on it for more glamour, digested by Anub'arak). Now I just need a Shriveled Heart to go with it and I will look very stupid (cog wheel in one hand and something looking like a maracas in the other) but hopefully my healing will be so awsome people will not notice my appearence....hmm.


  1. Oooh, it looks a little like a tamborine - start you own band!

  2. Would you like to join then? As a singer, since you have divine hymn, don't you? We would be a little like a Salvation Army type of band...:)
